Green mobility: how to visit a city while limiting its environmental impact ?
Today’Today, tourism travel accounts for more than 5% of global CO2 emissions. C’That’s why’It seems essential to change one’s means of transportation when the green mobility becomes a real alternative’When visiting a tourist city, one should reduce one’s environmental impact during a trip’a trip. C’It is in this sense that l’eco-mobility where green mobility becomes a real alternative for tourists.
How to opt for green mobility in the city ?
In the city, the situation is more and more complex as pollution peaks are more and more frequent. The traffic jams thus participate for 40 % in the acid fallout and for 75 % in the petrochemical pollution. C’For this reason, if you want to visit a city during the summer months, you should visit the’When traveling, it is important to think about your means of transportation in order to reduce your environmental impact in the city you are visiting, but also to avoid the unpleasant conditions of traffic jams.
D’It is the only city that has an airport, especially since more and more means of transportation are being used to get around’opt for a green mobility.
You can head to the’intermodality that is the’The staircases leading to them are framed by kermes oaks, lentiscus, and sage leaves, which are similar to trees’a visit or a trip’a trip. For example, the city of Paris benefits from’a very dense network with nearly 14 metro lines, 300 bus lines, 5 RER lines and 4 streetcar lines. The aim of these measures is to simplify the visits of French and foreign tourists.
Also, you can opt for the electric scooter. The latter is ultra-trendy and is becoming more and more so over the years. D’especially since’it allows you to’have a fast, ecological, pleasant, practical and of course fun way to visit a city.
To engage in a green mobility, it is a real alternative to the traditional one’all the more so as you can find a cheap and foldable electric scooter.
Walking: the most economical means of transportation
Women who sit for more than 6 hours a day have a 20% higher mortality rate and this figure is 20% for men. Also, people who work sitting for 10 years are twice as likely to develop cancer than people who are mobile.
According to the’ADEME, in the city, each kilometer done on foot can allow to save energy’save 280 g of CO2. Therefore, walking is obviously the most economical way to travel. Especially since walking in the city is the best way to visit in complete freedom.
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